Published writing


Susanne – Bay of Fundy

Susanne Fletcher is a writer in Ottawa, Canada, who, after 38 years slogging in the cubicle farms of national non-profit organizations, began blogging personal essays and discovered a new vocation. Her fiction, narrative non-fiction, and poetry have appeared in:

The Antigonish Review,
Brevity’s Non-fiction blog,
Knit Simple Magazine,
The Globe and Mail newspaper,
The New Quarterly,
Our Times magazine

and others.

Formerly an active blog, Writing Bites is now a repository of some of Susanne’s favourite posts from eleven years of blogging. You’ll find a mish-mash of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. You can connect with Susanne on Instagram at SusanneFletcher6 or email her at

37 thoughts on “Published writing

    • I’m happy you found me – and I you – too. I’ve been to the Okanagan a few times in my life, often en route from Vancouver to my sister’s home in the East Kootenays driving thru Osoyoos, always in the summer and in the last few years thru smoke and fire. Lots of changes over the years but still a heavenly place.

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  1. I’m a new fan thanks to Josh Langston, who could and would advise you to never give me a red-pencil opening but you did. (Dear Lord I hate introducing myself like this! But it’s the way I came out of the womb, waving that doggoned red pen in the air.) I was with you almost all the way for Wiggle Room, understood every nuance and every unfair obsession… but I’d bet those “patent leather sling-backs with a modest heal height” stirred the podiatrist’s concern because their heels can’t heal.

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  2. I’m sure this comment of mine doesn’t belong here, but I couldn’t find anywhere else to put it. You must be sick of “Crank,” but I wish it were a tab on your site. It was a marvelous post and it’s clear many of your readers (including myself) would have a lot of good stuff to contribute to it.


    • Ha! I shall make it a retirement project but right now I’m fully employed and frankly need to sleep at night rather than read submissions from Crank contributors. But I truly thank you for the encouragement. Stay tuned.


  3. Pingback: Counting Crows – The Zombies Ate My Brains

  4. I had to stop by and visit after you left your note. I’m learning this new language as well at 50+ many, many years. I started after 60. 🙂 But learning new things keeps us young. 🙂


  5. A learner in your eyes but a teacher in mine. Poetry and prose are both you and I believe you came back to them because you had no choice but to. You were meant for this. Just reading of few of your pieces made me realise just how much I miss out on since I hardly get time to Peruse. Pleased I did and have now promised myself that I will make more time this year. I’m inspired by your work. It’s wholesome.

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    • I follow a lot of good writers, including you, and it is hard to find time to read everything posted. I sample. It works for me. Peruse when you can. Comment when moved. These are good blogger guidelines. As for wholesome, well, I’ll take the compliment and leave it at that. Thank you ever so much for the lovely compliment and the fulsome comment.

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  6. Just read “The Walking Dead Meet the Apprentice” and agree 100%. I am embarrassed to be from the USA at the moment and I can’t look at his face. I spent 18 months mouthing explicit unprintables under my breath during the campaign, never believing for a minute he had a chance. Surely the American Public could see the truth of him. Apparently it is I who did not see the truth of the American Public.

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        • You are exposing my inability to remember one story from another! Upon digging out my copy of “Dear Life”, I see I have in fact red To Reach Japan. What’s not to love about an erotic train ride and waiting for whatever happens next?

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          • It’s so different from what I write (which is why she wins a Nobel Prize and why I won’t, duh!), but the central metaphor of being stuck between train cars was fabulous.


          • Time for a careful reread. I’ve been reading a ton of short stories in the past year and just picked up a new/old book by Jhumpa Lahiri at a used bookstore near where I work. Looking forward to reading her this week.

            Alice Munro is the first short story writer I spent time with many years ago and so she seems kind of old hat because of that – like Margaret Atwood and Margaret Laurence – which is not to say I don’t love her and wish I could write one sentence in a Munroian fashion.

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  7. Pingback: Award 12: Blogger Interview Tag | Weave a Web

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